Powerful Foundation | Secure MFT Client

Quickly Create Simple Business Processes with Security and Compliance

Powerful Foundation | Secure MFT Client

  • Write simple yet sophisticated flows that securely transform and move data files between repositories, systems, and users.
  • Easily integrate Kiteworks’ user-friendly, policy-controlled secure email, secure request file, SFTP, and secure shared folders into your flows.
  • Securely leverage Kiteworks access to enterprise content repositories and cloud stores.
  • Give users simple interfaces and triggers, such as dropping a file into a folder.

Distribute Throughout the Organization

Remote Agent | Secure MFT Client

  • Supports Windows, Linux, and Docker on Linux.
  • Can access local file systems as an agent of MFT Server transfers, or run independent processes.
Centrally Managed | Secure MFT Client
Visual Authoring| Secure MFT Client

Author Workflows Without Coding

Visual Authoring| Secure MFT Client

  • Visually wire function nodes into flows.
  • Configure nodes with simple forms.
  • Let savvy end users edit custom flows.

Leverage Workflow Functions

Workflow Library | Secure MFT Client

  • Control the workflow with built-in nodes such as trigger, delay, branch, debug, etc.
  • Connect using network protocols including HTTP, WebSockets, TCP, UDP, and MQTT.
  • Display input forms and output dashboards.
  • Parse standard data formats, validate file signatures, manipulate data fields, and generate output files.
  • Run system commands to manipulate files, call executables for post-processing, or integrate with your existing BPM and RPA systems.
Complete | Secure MFT Client
Secure Content Library | Secure MFT Client

Leverage Secure Kiteworks Functions

Content Library | Secure MFT Client

  • Automate secure 3rd party communications using built-in nodes that call the comprehensive Kiteworks platform APIs.
  • Set up secure large file transfers using email, SFTP, and secure shared folders.
  • Securely access data files in SharePoint, file shares, OneDrive, SFTP servers, and other repositories.
  • Run administrative functions including folder creation/deletion, user management, audit trail, and notification controls.
  • Connect to one or more Kiteworks servers.

Leverage the Node-RED Community

Extensible Library | Secure MFT Client

  • Fully compatible with Node-RED, so you can import nodes from thousands the Node-RED open source community supports.
  • Connect to enterprise systems like SMS, SAP, and Salesforce with community nodes.
  • Query and update databases such as Oracle and MySQL.
  • Flow data through your existing solutions, such as CDR/Sanitation.
  • Author new custom nodes with JavaScript.



Get started.

It’s easy to start ensuring regulatory compliance and effectively managing risk with Kiteworks. Join the thousands of organizations who feel confident in their content communications platform today. Select an option below.


Avec Kiteworks, se mettre en conformité règlementaire et bien gérer les risques devient un jeu d’enfant. Rejoignez dès maintenant les milliers de professionnels qui ont confiance en leur plateforme de communication de contenu. Cliquez sur une des options ci-dessous.

Jetzt loslegen.

Mit Kiteworks ist es einfach, die Einhaltung von Vorschriften zu gewährleisten und Risiken effektiv zu managen. Schließen Sie sich den Tausenden von Unternehmen an, die sich schon heute auf ihre Content-Kommunikationsplattform verlassen können. Wählen Sie unten eine Option.

Comienza ahora.

Es fácil empezar a asegurar el cumplimiento normativo y gestionar los riesgos de manera efectiva con Kiteworks. Únete a las miles de organizaciones que confían en su plataforma de comunicación de contenidos hoy mismo. Selecciona una opción a continuación.



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