Kiteworks Enterprise Connect: Secure, Unified Access to Your Content Repositories

Streamline Collaboration and Enhance Security Across Your Organization’s Content Storage Systems

In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations need to ensure that their employees can securely access and collaborate on content stored across various repositories. Kiteworks Enterprise Connect is a powerful solution that provides native connectivity to a wide range of content storage systems, both on-premises and cloud-based. This solution brief will explore the key features and benefits of Kiteworks Enterprise Connect, demonstrating how it can streamline collaboration and enhance security across your organization’s content storage systems.

Unified Access to Content Repositories

One of the primary challenges faced by organizations is managing content stored across multiple repositories. Kiteworks Enterprise Connect addresses this issue by providing native connectivity to various content storage systems, including:

  • CIFS file shares
  • SharePoint and SharePoint Online
  • Remote SFTP servers
  • OneDrive for Business
  • Box
  • Google Drive for Work
  • Dropbox
  • And more

Solution Highlights

  • Unify access to various content repositories
  • Enable secure collaboration with external partners
  • Deliver access to content repositories with granular governance controls
  • Streamline workflows, enhancing productivity through a unified content access interface
  • Integrate seamlessly with existing IT infrastructure

By offering a single, unified interface for accessing content across these repositories, Kiteworks Enterprise Connect simplifies content management and collaboration for users.

Secure Collaboration

Security is a top priority for organizations, especially when it comes to sharing sensitive information with external partners. Kiteworks Enterprise Connect enables users to copy content to a Kiteworks folder, share it externally with added security, governance, logging, and compliance, and return the results of the collaboration to the original folder. This ensures that your organization’s sensitive information remains protected throughout the collaboration process.

Remote Access With Granular Governance Controls

With the increasing prevalence of remote work, it’s essential for organizations to provide employees with secure access to content repositories from any location. Kiteworks Enterprise Connect allows users to access these repositories remotely via Kiteworks web, mobile, and plugin interfaces. Additionally, the solution offers granular governance controls, enabling administrators to define and enforce access policies based on user roles, locations, and devices.

Unified Security and Full Audit Trail

Kiteworks Enterprise Connect provides a unified security framework across all connected content repositories, ensuring consistent security policies and practices. The solution also offers a full audit trail, allowing administrators to monitor user activity and track content access, modifications, and sharing events. This comprehensive visibility helps organizations maintain compliance with industry regulations and internal policies.

Streamlined Workflows and Enhanced Productivity

By providing a single interface for accessing and managing content across multiple repositories, Kiteworks Enterprise Connect streamlines workflows and enhances productivity. Users can easily search for, access, and collaborate on content without having to navigate multiple systems or interfaces. This seamless experience enables employees to focus on their core tasks and work more efficiently.

Integration With Existing IT Infrastructure

Kiteworks Enterprise Connect is designed to integrate seamlessly with your organization’s existing IT infrastructure. The solution supports a wide range of authentication and authorization mechanisms, including SAML, OAuth, and Active Directory, ensuring compatibility with your current systems and processes.

Kiteworks Enterprise Connect is a powerful solution that enables organizations to securely access and collaborate on content stored across various repositories. By providing unified access, enhanced security, and streamlined workflows, Kiteworks Enterprise Connect empowers organizations to improve productivity and maintain compliance with industry regulations. To learn more about how Kiteworks Enterprise Connect can benefit your organization, visit or contact our sales team for a personalized demonstration.


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